minimal windows sliding glass doors used to create moving glass walls at the rear of this new build home.

This new build home is located in a Conservation Area, Flood Zone Three and Green Belt zone, making it a unique location for a home. The property features multiple minimal windows sliding glass doors.

Water Meadow is a modest 180sqm, three-bed new build home, built and tailored towards housing a grown-up family and designed for retirement.

The site was purchased predominantly for the views over the brook and rear gardens, which draw you in as you enter the property. It was important to ensure that the stunning views were maximised from within the property.

minimal windows sliding glass doors are an excellent choice for providing uninterrupted views, especially in a corner opening configuration, thanks to the ultra-slim sightlines.

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The long, narrow footprint of the original home has been transformed into an open-plan layout.

Unlike the building there before, the new home is made from a locally sourced red brick, in keeping with the appearance of the Conservation Area.

The entire building sits atop a concrete plinth, which acts as a defence against flooding. The use of natural materials and colours aid with the home blending into the surrounding area and not affecting the character.

The first floor elevation, visible over the historic hedge, will accommodate a perforated brick corner to the east to help reduce the appearance of mass to the approaching elevation.

Corner opening sliding glass doors form entire glass walls which can be pushed aside to completely open up the rear living space, creating one large indoor-outdoor area.

The external raised balcony space is protected by a frameless glass balustrade, which causes minimal disruption to the views or influx of natural light.

The abundance of glazing used in the home provides a diffused light to the interior spaces, including the entrance space.

The building has been designed to reach code level 4 under the Code for Sustainable Homes criteria.

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