minimal windows® extension on London home

Keller minimal windows® have been installed onto the back of this family home in London to create an open plan extension for the living room. The slim framed design of these sliding glass doors provides homeowners with the perfect view of their garden. The positioning of minimal glazing allows the kitchen and living room area to be lit naturally, especially with the slim frames as there is no light obstruction.

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minimal windows® sliding glass doors have been used to give the home an indoor-outdoor living space, extending the living room area to the decked area outside even when the doors are closed. The flush threshold allows easy access to the decking and garden area and the large sliding glass unit provides ample natural ventilation to the living room, especially in the summer.

Aluminium pressings were used to create a neat look to the home and all of the facade materials were powder coated to the same dark grey as the minimal windows to give the home a contemporary finish.

All installations of the Keller minimal windows® can be designed to have a flush floor finish for inside and outside. These doors can be used on wheelchair accessible openings due to the shallow design of the sliding tracks.

The minimal windows® installed here were designed in a two-track configuration with one sliding panel sliding over one fixed unit.

A minimal pivot window was installed for use as a door to the side of this glazed extension, maintaining the minimal design. This door created an easy access point to the garden from the utility room, perfect for pegging out the washing

Location: London

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